
The Parachutist, Ethel Press

The Hatch, Brooklyn Arts Press


Kola Superdeep Borehole, bateau press

Already It Is Dusk, Brooklyn Arts Press    

Already It Is Dusk

Sleigh Ride, Factory Hollow Press

Poetry and Prose Online

8 Poems in Lute & Drum

2 Poems in Court Green

2 Poems in Apartment (Issue #4)

2 Poems in Gulf Coast, here and here

2 Poems in So & So

1 Poem in Past Simple

1 Poem in So & So

Another Poem in So & So

3 Poems in Article

3 Poems in Painted Bride Quarterly

2 Poems in Route 9

1 Poem in Incessant Pipe

1 Poem in Matchbook

“The Nightmarish Dream Logic of Bruno Schulz” in LitHub